EpiNurse Project by Risk AwardWelcomes You
"Epinurse" = Epidemiology + Nursing care
for Disaster Risk Reduction

Risk Award at a Glance
In 2017, EpiNurse won the "Risk Award". Risk Award is a funding program that has been set up to help improve risk reduction and disaster management by providing financial support to projects dedicated to this topic and awarded every two years. From more than 100 proposals from all over the world, EpiNurse proposal was selected as the best practice proposal and was awarded 100,000 euro which was a great achievement for the project. The International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC), organized by GRF Davos, and the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva, organized by UNISDR, host the awarding ceremonies. The endowment for the RISK Award is provided by the Munich Re Foundation.
What we do?
The systematic and flexible utilization of knowledge and skills specific to disaster-related nursing, and the promotion of a wide range of activities to minimize the health hazards and life-threatening damage caused by disasters, in collaboration with other specialized from disaster prevention, initial and medium and long-term
Detect Shelter positioning
Asses Health, Psychosocial status , Vulnerability and other hazards
Risk Communication